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How to download any Instagram photo in full quality – Quicktorial

I have noticed that when sharing other people’s photos in their own gallery, users tend to screenshot the photo rather than to find a way to download it. This option loses the photo quality and sometimes has other flaws as well. In this quick tutorial I will help you learn how to easily download any Instagram photo to your device without losing the photo’s quality.

Why not screenshot?

You might ask – why isn’t screenshotting the photo to be featured a good practice. I have my answers:

The screenshotted photo loses quality

When you screenshot a photo, it loses quality to your screen’s resolution’s width. If your phone’s screen resolution’s width matches the photo’s width (1080px) the you might be good to go. BUT if your screen resolution is smaller or larger – the photo loses quality. For the smaller screen resolution the photo gets screenshotted smaller that it was, but for larger ones – it gets upscaled, and could lose quality as well.

I can see that the feature of my photo has been screenshotted by zooming in on it – there is no detail. The more I zoom in, the less detailed it gets (unlike the photos that I upload).

“Okay”, you might think, “I have 1080 x 2280 pixel screen resolution for my phone, am I good to go and keep screenshotting them?” No! Let’s continue to the next reason why.

Flawless croping

After you screenshot the photo, you also need to crop it. While you might pay a lot of attention to do that neatly, you can still have some flaws. I have seen a lot of feature hubs who share photos with a white line on the top or bottom of the photo. That’s due to the bad cropping. You have a light Instagram version and maybe don’t notice it, but we, who have dark Instagram version, notice it, and it looks bad.

An example of a white line included in the featured photo

But this is not the craziest thing that I have seen. The white line is just a tiny thing I’ve grown to endure. There’s more. Some of them are just hilarious (or not. I don’t know how to react).

Screenshotted features: laziness level 2

There are some cases when the screenshotter did not wait those 5 seconds for all the overlays to disappear and screenshotted the photo with the tag overlay. While it is true that after the account tags me, the real tag overlay goes exactly over the screenshotted one, but when the photo is being shared on my story (I do share a “thank you” for each feature) – the icon is still there. Because it’s on the photo!

Did this seem lazy enough for you? Nope, there is a whole another level…

Screenshotted features: laziness level over 9000

This is the ultimate combo of not waiting for the overlays to disappear, and just.. flawless cropping. I’m not pointing any fingers, but if you see your flaws here – you know you can do better 🙂

Okay, enough about shaming some feature hubs, let me tell you how you can fix this, and upload the photos exactly as I (and other users) shared them.

Downloading any Instagram photo in full quality

There are sites which allow you to paste a link to an Instagram photo, and the photo simply downloads on your device. I will link some of such sites

IgDownloader ( )

The site works very simply. You have to copy the Instagram post’s link (option accessible from the three-dot menu), paste it into the text field, tap “Download” and then “Download image”. The photo gets saved on your device and you can share it.

Ingramer ( )

This site works similarly – you paste the link, tap on the “Search” and then – on “Download”.

The site allows you to download Instagram stories as well.

There are more and more sites like this, you just got to search for Download Instagram photo in Google if these do not satisfy your needs.


If you are a moderator of a feature hub and practiced a screenshotting option – consider switching to some of these sites for the good of all the users whose photos get shared. The overall look of the feature hub will be better, as well as the users will be more happy to see their photo featured in good quality 🙂

Sharing is caring!

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